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Finding quiet in crashing waves

Fran Connelley

My latest work, Bronte Pool in Winter, is all about finding a place that brings you a sense of quiet when life becomes crazy and chaotic.


I want people to feel as if they could quietly slip into that swimming pool, feel the cool of the water and the sun on their back.


A swimmer staring at a crashing wave
'Bronte Pool in Winter' Size: 90.5cm x 61cm

Last month I entered a smaller (A5) version of this painting in the Incognito Art Show. It sold the first day. But that little study allowed me to play with composition and create a long crashing wave in a way I hadn’t done before. I decided I needed to try it as a larger format work!


Bronte Beach has such crazy cross currents. It almost feels like the ocean is scrambling for the shoreline - searching for a place to beach. Like the sea itself is running out of time and space to get to the sand. (So different to Coogee and Bondi!)


I love staring at crashing waves. I always feel this sense of WOW, how incredible! But for years I really struggled to paint anything that communicated that same energy. Until my husband (an old surfer) said something that changed my entire approach:


He said, 'A wave is just an explosion.’


So, when I came to painting the wave in this work, I just let myself go for it. Pushing the paint – and the colour - in every direction. Mauves, greens, blues, turquoises, greys. Then I followed this up with some fun finger painting and finally, I got out the nailbrush for those uplifted wave tips catching the wind.


So, what do I love about this painting?

  • In the face of all this chaos I love that my swimmer is so still and peaceful

  • I love the translucency of the pool thanks to layers of phthalo green, cerulean, lemon yellow, cobalt, hookers green and paynes grey.

  • I love that the whole work now ripples with life. It feels alive.

For me, Art is ‘re-creation'.  It renews, revives and resets me. (Like when you de-frag your PC). It sounds bizarre, but after a session of painting crashing waves – I’m a quieter person. Like the wave itself is the perfect antidote for my ‘bull-at-a-gate’ personality.


Finally, after hours and hours of this kind of personal art therapy, I love this painting – most of all because I just feel so peaceful when I stare at it.

If you'd like more information about this work, including pricing please email


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2 Kommentare

09. Aug. 2024

It’s a beautiful painting Fran and your reflections add to the visual.

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09. Aug. 2024
Antwort an

Thank you Dianne! X

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